Count Yourself In ~ 27 Mar 2021

The transits coming up soon, following Chiron’s recent transit prescriptions recommend that each person take Eris personally as to get included in life the way you claim you should be.

Eris, the goddess that personifies malcontent when shunned, soon enjoys the transits of the Sun and Earth’s inferior (simply meaning closer to the Sun) planets - Mercury and Venus. Eris despises feeling or being excluded, shunned, ignored, uninvited, rejected, dejected, subject or otherwise kept out of the fun of life. So keen is she on such rejection, she takes on hyper-vigilance as her natural defense mechanism. For instance, if she were to hear that she would soon be transited by inferior planets, she’d go ballistic, not taking the time to recognize what an “inferior” planet is.

She is predisposed to impulsive responses, so much so, she is the patron saint of knee-jerk reactions. So swift is she to react that her mayhem often kicks in before a moment’s worth of reason can create perspective. Fond of the postures of all-bets-are-off and all options, including and especially nuclear options are on the table, Eris transits require kit glove handling. Most simply for every Eris action with other planets and/or to your natal chart, ensure she is invited to the party! Not a bad idea to ensure the invitation was properly received.

Within the next few weeks four potent, potentially contentious transits find their place on our calendars. Care and consciousness with each of these transits can fortuitously mitigate less than ideal outcomes and turn the tides such that you feel vital, recognized and included in your life in a fully participatory manner. How great is that!? Onward to Erissian engagement!

10 April - Venus conjunct Eris in Aries

Focus on the concept there is enough to go around and everyone gets their due reward for creativity rendered and work completed.

Avoid perceiving others on similar paths as yourself as competing entities.

Write yourself a symbolic check that is sufficient to accomplish all the things you crave doing... those cravings that feed your destiny in a good way, of course.

Affirm your worth. This is something for you to savor. Yes, it’s financial worth, but the intangible talents and skills need inclusion as well. You must realize and include them in your arsenal before expecting others to recognize same.

Extend all your attributes to those for whom you feel natural warmth.

13 April - Sun conjunct Eris in Aries

Define what you need to do in life.

Define your perfect spot on the “Bell Curve” of human characteristics without regard for norms.

Cultivate the skill of declaring your abilities free of bombast or pressure and demand on others.

Refine and expand your social circle in realms... and only those realms that benefit your life.

Be attentive to the pitches of those who organically arrive in your sphere of influence. Consciously consider if the merits of the pitch should require your cooperation and participation.

Attend to any and all “signs” given you by life, whether symbolic or mundane.

Believe in what you claim you can offer. Perfect the attributes of your personal charisma.

14 April - Mercury conjunct Ceres in Aries

First things first. Write a platform of beliefs that accord with your thinking, your declarations and more, what you actually end up doing.

Keep in mind that actions represent a clearer articulation of your thoughts than do your words.

Study the letter of the policies, proclamations or doctrines you feel create the law of the land of life, or at least should regulate it.

Ensure personal compliance with every and all doctrines you are willing to espouse or defend.

Fire no warning shot you do not possess the armory to support.

Apply smooth, inclusive communication.

Ensure your policies and protocols positively impact all persons, place and things you encounter.

Be the “good idea” person in your sphere of influence.

Consciously expand your vision of your sphere of influence.

16 April - Mercury conjunct Eris in Aries

So here’s the thing... when Jupiter delegated Mercury to convince the shepherd Paris that judging which goddess was the fairest to resolve a dispute caused by Eris, no doubt Mercury was selective with details provided and kept potential long-term consequences hidden.

When Jupiter dispatched Mercury to dare the elected leader of Mycenae to yield his throne if the Sun rose in the west, the messenger neglected to mention that Jupiter and Eris already had a plan to cause the Sun to rise in the west and the heavens to reverse course but for a day.

With a transit of Mercury to Eris, disclose all details when hatching a scheme for any reason and with any intent in mind. Invoke total transparency. State the situation, state what others can extract from participating and clearly state what’s in it for you.

A personal review of social media is a good thing. If a person’s posts consistently annoy you and inspire you to apply less than ideal words and logic in reply, unfriend that individual. Similarly do this with memberships, clubs, perk cards and every other kind of social entanglement or obligation. If they do not directly and positively contribute to your agendas, they have no place in your life.

It would be my guess that around the time of this transit, organizations and businesses conjure whatever COVID-19 passport structure they believe is safest in the real world and supports ending the pandemic. This is an Aries alignment. You are free to do what you decide to do. Organizations, employers, events and activities can decide if they want to include you or not given your personal choice. While this may be contentious and one may have strong opinions about the rightness of one side of this coin or the other, it’s an integration of personal will with collective community and societal protocols. No matter what you decide to do, “It's your call,” says Mercury while conjunct Eris. The messenger/trickster encourages remembering that the results of your decisions with whatever inclusion or exclusion protocols occur directly stem from what you decided is better/best for you.


The Eris transits at present demarcate a time when ones motor needs to be fully revved, gears engaged and tires on the road. This is a strong “do it or don’t” time that presets other upcoming transits and prepares according optimistic outcomes. Count yourself in!


More soon.